
Insta360 Ace Pro 2: How Durable Is It Really?

A while back, we put Insta360 Ace Pro through a grueling durability test to see just how tough it really was. Although we took a tongue-in-cheek approach to the test, some challenges were no joke. Spoiler alert: The cam passed with flying colors.

But what about the new Insta360 Ace Pro 2? What kind of extreme tests could we throw at this 8K powerhouse? There's only one (actually several) way to find out!

Another spoiler alert: It absolutely crushed our new durability test, pun intended.

Get Blendy

A blender + a piece of tech will inevitably lead to the age-old question "will it blend?" In this case, the answer is a firm NO. Some might cry foul, arguing that there's also water in the blender, so we added one cup of 3/4" flat-head screws to balance things out.

Insta360 Ace Pro 2 in a blender.

Knock Out Punch

Not too keen on reliving some high school memories? No worries! Insta360 Ace Pro 2 handles it like a walk in the park. Not even Logan Paul could stop this cam from recording the action.

Insta360 Ace Pro 2 used as a punching bag.


If you've ever wanted to capture epic POV shots of fireworks and firecrackers without risking any vital body parts, you can count on this cam to deliver—without blowing up in the process!

Insta360 Ace Pro 2 filming firecracker POV.

Pool Shot

It was a ballsy move to let the pool players in the office use Insta360 Ace Pro 2 as a substitute for the missing 8-ball. Their verdict? It doesn’t roll in a straight line, but is great at capturing the action from every angle!

Insta360 Ace Pro 2 used as a pool ball.

Road Kill 2.0

The original Insta360 Ace Pro was run over by a motorcycle and survived. So, instead of repeating that test, we decided to blast our latest cam with rocks and sand. The result? A scratch-free lens and epic POV footage.

Insta360 Ace Pro 2 blasted by rocks and sand.


The secret to creating the perfect cocktail isn't to add a slice of lemon or a dash of Angostura. The real magic happens when you add one whole action camera and mix vigorously. Just be sure to take it out before drinking!

Mixing a cocktail with Insta360 Ace Pro 2.

Tee Off

Golfing and action cameras don’t usually mix. In fact, this might be the most natural way to use an Insta360 Ace Pro 2 on the course. Chances are, the golf club will snap long before the cam does.

Insta360 Ace Pro 2 used as a golf ball.

Cheers to You

We never advertised this feature, but the Insta360 Ace Pro 2 also comes with a built-in bottle opener. That’s right—the cam itself is a bottle opener. Cheers!

Ace Pro 2 used as a bottle opener.

The latest addition to the Insta360 lineup continues the tradition of being an absolute tank in every imaginable (and unimaginable) scenario. Whether you're planning to capture insane POV shots inside a blender or record an enduro bike taking off, you can bet this cam will handle it without missing a beat.

Get your Insta360 Ace Pro 2 from the Insta360 Official Store.

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