Timed Photo Tutorial
Connect via iPhone:
    1. 1. Connect Nano S to iPhone -> open Nano S App.
    2. 2. Tap Camera button.
    3. 3. Tap Setting at the lower right corner.
    4. 4. Tap Timer and set the countdown.
    5. 5. After setting, tap the Shutter button on the shooting page.
    6. 6. When the green indicator blinks once, it means a timed-photo is captured successfully.
    7. 7. Please keep the camera still and avoid shaking or moving while you are taking a timed-photo.
    Independent Mode:
      1. 1. Connect Nano S to iPhone -> open Nano S App.
      2. 2. Tap Setting -> Tap Triple-tap Setting.
      3. 3. Open Timed photo -> set Timer.
      4. 4. Unplug the camera from iPhone -> press the power button to turn it on.
      5. 5. Press the power button three times, and the blue indicator will keep blinking. If the timer is set to 3 seconds, the blue indicator light will blink for three times.
      6. 6. When the indicator turns to green, a timed-photo is captured successfully.
      7. 7. Connect Nano S to iPhone to review.
      8. 8. Please keep the camera still and avoid shaking or moving while you are taking a timed photo.
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