
Made of Stronger Stuff: The Best Close Calls

Insta360 cameras are the ultimate sidekicks for thrill-seekers and everyday users alike. From skydives to barrel waves, with an Insta360 by your side, you'll be sure to capture incredible moments. Sometimes, however, these trusty cams take a bit-too-big of a tumble, and you can be left heart-in-mouth as you pick it up to see the damage.

Luckily, our cameras are tough, rugged, and ready for just about everything. Over the years, we've come across some amazing stories of Insta360 cameras, and our creators, holding their own in times of peril. Here are some of our favorites.

Rocky Road

During an 11,000-mile motorcycle trip to Alaska and back, Insta360 X3 was along for the ride, ready to get some incredible footage. That is until the aptly named Destruction Bay, where it soon became clear a stray rock had hit the camera. Uh-oh.

Luckily, the damage was only to X3's trusty lens guards, and the lenses themselves were perfectly fine. Having thought ahead, spares were already packed, and the adventure continued.

Insta360 X3's Sticky Lens Guard after being hit by a rock.
X3's Sticky Lens Guard after being hit by a rock. No damage to the lens, though!

"Thank goodness for the spare protector and the durability of the camera—it ran through rain, sleet, and the sun." All hail the lens guards!

Submitted by @BrokeA$$Guido (YouTube).

Wheely Lucky Save

After buying his first Insta360 camera —welcome to the club!—Albert decided a motorcycle trip to Greece would be a fitting way to break in the new Insta360 X2. It endured tough winds, heavy rain, bumpy roads, and, well, basically everything.

Life was good, until something snapped on the way back home, and the camera flew in front of the bike.

With split-second reactions, Albert and the rest of the pack managed not to bundle over it. With warranty and repairs racing through his head, Albert went back for his fallen soldier. But lo and behold, there were only a few marks on the case, and absolutely nothing on the lens, not even a scratch. Phew, close call that one!

"I'm still using it now. There have been many memories with it and lots of amazing clips thanks to you guys."

Submitted by @Albert_Octavian (Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube).

Falling at the First Hurdle

This story starts right at the moment André decided to buy an action camera to record his rides. After months of conducting all the possible research on which camera was best, watching hundreds of YouTube videos to learn the best settings, and scrolling through countless tips and reviews, André found the one—Insta360 X3.

Having never owned any kind of camera in his entire life, André was extremely excited. He was finally going to be able to record his passion for motorcycles! The day X3 arrived was spent staying up late, scrolling through settings, and figuring out how to make the most of his first-ever action camera.

At last, the time had come. It was a sunny Friday afternoon, work for the week was done, and it was just man, motorcycle, and X3. After picking out a fashionable—but not-so-protective—outfit, André was ready to try out some cool angles with a fresh fit.

Life was good...until 2 minutes into his ride, André was rammed by a car getting off a roundabout, and was out of commission for 2 months. He hadn't even pressed record.

Luckily, the story has a happy ending, and just recently both rider and camera made their way to Portugal for two of the biggest motorcycle rallies. Looks like it's not just our cameras that are made of tough stuff—hope you're all recovered, André!

Submitted by @mind_of_venom (Instagram)

Mountain Goat Mayhem

It was a regular July day when Adam was running through the Wallowa Mountains, and his tiny, mighty Insta360 GO 3 was sitting in his running vest pocket to shoot some awesome POV footage. As he was descending from the top of the pass, he was cut off by a mountain goat around 20ft above him. Fine, right? Turns out not so goated, as it stomped a boulder loose that hit Adam right in the leg—broken fibula, a torn IT band, and a chunk of flesh missing. All alone in the middle of the Oregon mountains, he DIY'd a tourniquet and hiked 3500ft down and 12 miles out to the trailhead. Gnarly. Luckily the tourniquet held up until he was safely in a hospital, and the whole ordeal was caught on cam!

"It's pretty wild, and about 20 minutes of trauma, but a crazy thing to be on video and an amazing thing to have survived."

Submitted by Adam Williams. Catch the full saga on Adam's Instagram (@adam_insta_g).

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WRITTEN BY @Insta360
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