We've sent cameras to space, we've helped a guy ride a dirt bike on water, but sometimes the biggest adventures happen right from your front door. For Mike, this was a tense journey from the train station to his home—and back again—in search of a stranded Insta360 X4.

While photography and videography are incredible hobbies, they often favor the young. Self-proclaimed "old, shaky, and forgetful" Mike struggled to keep up due to his shaky hands—until 360º cameras came into his life. With built-in stabilization and horizon leveling, 360º cameras, such as Insta360 X4, help to take away that shakiness, keeping everything smooth and level. Plus, their lightweight, pocket-sized, and portable design helps if you can't lug around bulky equipment!
Filming trains chugging along the local train station, Insta360 X4 does an excellent job at capturing the excitement from the tracks. And with a unique setup—X4 mounted on the 3m Extended Edition Selfie Stick on top of another 2m selfie stick—the videos come out looking pretty great. One day down at the tracks, the rain started to pour, really pour, and Mike quickly darted back to dry land.
Driving through the hammering rain for what seemed like miles back to his flat, Mike sat down ready to download the videos from that day to his computer. And then he remembered. In his rush to get home, he'd forgotten his X4 at the train station, three miles away.
Panic racing through his head, Mike sprinted downstairs to face the elements in search of his forgotten X4. Would it still be there? Has someone taken it? Has it fallen over onto the tracks, squashed by an oncoming train? And even if it was still there, the rain was so heavy, it must have some sort of water damage, right?
Wrong. Insta360 X4 stood proudly atop the homemade 5m long selfie stick, braving the rain, as rugged as ever. Battery intact, camera secured, and selfie sticks folded, Mike headed back home. Despite fearing the worst about his footage, X4's tough design kept his videos safe, ready to edit after quite the afternoon of adventure.
"When you're nearing 70, something like this becomes a big adventure. It's nothing like what some of the people who own these cameras get up to, but I think Insta360 cameras are ideal for us oldies!"
This article was submitted to Insta360 Community Stories by @vistamedia1283 (YouTube). Got a story to share? Email yours to communitystories@insta360.com and win up to US$50! Learn more here.
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