
Scuba Diving 101: What You Need to Know

Diving deep into the ocean, coming face to face with marine life, and swimming in a completely different world—the ultimate thrill. 

But there are many things to know about scuba diving before you backroll into the deep blue. From FAQ's to equipment, accessories, and diving cameras necessary for an unforgettable underwater escapade, find out everything you need to know here. Let's dive in!

What is Scuba Diving?

diving by Insta360 X3

Scuba diving is a water sport that involves breathing air from a tank while underwater. It's named after the SCUBA equipment, also known as the Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, a tank that allows the diver to carry their own air supply. As a result, scuba divers can breathe when submerged in water and explore the deep sea for an extended period.

The answer to the common question "How deep is scuba diving?" depends on a diver's experience and certification level. While recreational scuba divers usually dive at depths of up to 60ft (18m), experienced ones may go down to 130ft (40m).

Scuba diving is not just about exploring the underwater world but also serves as great physical and mental exercise since it requires good physical strength, concentration, and focus.

Is Scuba Diving Dangerous?

Scuba diving, like other extreme sports, has its own dangers. However, by following safety measures and having appropriate instructions and equipment, such risks can be significantly minimized.

The first thing is to get comprehensive training from a qualified scuba instructor and dive only within your limits. It's dangerous to go beyond your scope or dive without the help of someone who understands the area, as it may result in various hazards, including decompression sickness (the bends), nitrogen narcosis, or even drowning.

It's also important to know where you are at all times, especially around sensitive corals. Having a dive partner and taking proper precautions can lead to a thrilling expedition.

Common Scuba Gear

Common Scuba Gear

So you have an idea, but now you need the gear! Scuba diving gear contributes to your general safety and comfort in the water, so it must be well-fitted and suitable for your adventures.

Diving Camera

A camera is a must-have when it comes to filming breath-taking underwater videos and memories. Instead of only documenting your dive, it can also be used as a safety tool, which allows you to share your position with other people on land and their experiences. Insta360 X3 is the perfect diving camera, as you'll find out later!

Scuba Tank

The scuba tank supplies divers with breathable air, so it's pretty important! These tanks are usually made from either aluminum or steel and then filled with compressed air. How much air a tank can hold determines how long you'll be able to stay down, so it's important to check your air supply and plan accordingly.


Wetsuits are designed to keep you warm during your dive, prevent hypothermia, and ensure that you remain comfortable in water. They help maintain your body temperature. Wetsuits are made of neoprene or any other insulation material, and their thickness varies according to water temperatures.

These suits can also be used as buoyancy control as well as protection against scratches and stings.


Sometimes known as flippers, they help underwater movements through propulsion and maneuverability systems. 

Their sizes range from one style to another, with adjustable straps or full-foot pockets for a proper fit. To swim efficiently and use less air, you need to know how to use fins correctly. They can take a bit of getting used to, so try practicing with them in the shallow end first.


You want to see where you're going, right? Masks let you see underwater, giving you an unhindered view of marine life. The mask must fit tightly around your face so that no water seeps through while swimming deep in oceanic depths. 

Insta360 X3: The Best Diving Camera

Insta360 X3 was created for the daring diver. It's great for anyone exploring underwater and captures breathtaking 360° videos of your time beneath the waves.

It has a waterproof rating of up to 33ft (10m), a long battery life, and 5.7K 360º video means you won't miss any second of sea life that may otherwise pass you by. Simply dive down with your X3 and capture every angle, then reframe later in the app. You might see things in the edit you missed the first time! If your footage is looking a little cloudy, try AquaVision 2.0. It's an AI-powered color correction editing tool in the Insta360 app that removes the blue haze and makes water crystal clear.

Invisible Dive Case

X3 is natively waterproof without a case, but for underwater 360º shots, pick up the Invisible Dive Case to dive down to 164ft (50m). It's a ground-breaking invention that allows you to take 360° images without any obstructions, staying 100% invisible in shot seamless underwater stitching and crystal-clear 360° videos.

The unique dome design compensates for light refraction and prevents warping and stitching issues. The tight, sealed structure also keeps X3 completely safe, so you don't need to worry about water damage to your cam. Got yours already? Check out this guide to get the best footage from your X3. 

Invisible Selfie Stick

The best friend of the Invisible Dive Case: the Invisible Selfie Stick. It's another must-have accessory for beautiful underwater footage. It's a light and sturdy selfie stick automatically from 360° shots, providing you with amazing third-person views and seemingly impossible angles. If you are taking a solo dive, this one is for you!

Try to keep the camera and selfie stick in a straight line, and do not tilt the camera. This is important to ensure the Invisible Selfie Stick effect works in the edit! 

Floating Hand Grip

The Floating Hand Grip is a very handy accessory for greater peace of mind if you accidentally drop your camera. It has a non-slip grip, but should you let your camera go, it will simply float safely to the top. You can catch it on the way back up or easily spot it on the surface, thanks to its bright orange color!

Insta360 X3 Dive Kit

The perfect diving camera and all of its incredible accessories in one?! It's possible! The Insta360 X3 Dive Kit bundles all of these together. Learn more about the kit here.

Even with all the right diving gear, remember these important tips when shooting:

  • The more light, the better your shots, so try and keep bright conditions. Pay attention to the sun's position and adjust your shooting angle accordingly to avoid glare on the footage.
  • Sudden jerky movements are not the way to go. Keep your moments slow and smooth, and your footage will be too. Use swim fins to help you keep a steady, forward motion.
  • Videos from the deep blue can sometimes look a bit…blue. Try to incorporate a subject to bring focus and variety to your footage, such as a shipwreck or a school of fish.

Explore New Depths

There's no doubt scuba diving is a thrilling hobby and one that opens up an entirely new world below the ocean's surface. Once you have understood the basics, gotten yourself the right scuba gear, and taken all necessary safety measures, you can embark on life-changing underwater journeys. So grab your Insta360 X3 and accessories and get ready to dive to new depths. What are you waiting for? 

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